Comic Books, Reviews
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November 9, 2011
To be honest, I sometimes worry about things like Batman. I know that in a...
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Comic Books
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November 5, 2011
I’m having a tough time figuring out exactly how to take a comic book...
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November 4, 2011
In 2006, the debut of Kate Kane, the second iteration of Batwoman, was met with...
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October 27, 2011
In 1981, perennially underrated comics scribe J.M. DeMatteis began writing...
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October 26, 2011
Magic is a curious thing in the world of mainstream superhero comics, cryptic...
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October 18, 2011
Of the DC Trinity, Wonder Woman was arguably the hero who stood to gain the...
August 6, 2018
January 29, 2018
January 8, 2018
August 8, 2017